Amarillo Zoning Search
Enter an address in Amarillo, TX
Click around to find property. Zoning distances will show up on the infobar.
Zoning is used by Municipalities to section off areas of a city
for a specific purpose, or to prevent a specific use of a piece of land.
Zoning can be frustrating for property owners, but it serves a purpose:
A Real Estate owners in a new housing development would not be happy with
a smelly industrial complex opening up next door. If you want to learn more, there's a long
history of zoning and why it was started in the US.
The Zoning tiles are available for Amarillo proper, and can be turned on and off
by opening the map
and clicking the green zoning button
located in the bottom right hand corner of the window. Each zone will
show up in one of the following colors:
- Residential: Green
- Commercial: Blue
- Industrial: Yellow
- Agriculture: Pink
- Planned: Pink
- Neighborhood Services: White
Residential Zoning is designed to provide not only for the property owner,
but also for the community. Zoning allows communities to have uniform densities
built around parks and other amenities improving property values.
Amarillo has 3 primary residential zone types, a primary difference
between them being minimum lot size, Yard setbacks, and max lot coverage.
For official documentation see the
More Information section below.
Residential R-1
Minimum lot size: 7,500 Square feet
Yard Setback: 25 Square feet -
Residential R-2
Minimum lot size: 6,000 Square feet
Yard Setback:
front: 25 Square feet -
Residential R-3
Minimum lot size: 6,000 Square feet
Yard Setback:
front: 15 Square feet -
Manufactured Home MH
Mimum Mobile home lot size: 5,000
Allows for a mobile home park.
These consist of Duplexes to large Apartment complexes. The primary
difference between each type is the SQFT of land per apartment unit.
Amarillo has 3 primary high density zones: MD, MF-1 and MF-2.
For official documentation see the
More Information section below.
Moderate Density
Minimum lot size per Apartment 1,800 Square feet
Mutliple Familty MF-1
Minimum lot size per Apartment 1,200 Square feet
Mutliple Familty MF-2
Minimum lot size per Apartment 600 Square feet
These zones are used for retail stores and offices.
For official documentation see the
More Information section below.
- Office O-1
- Office O-2
- General Retail GR </p>
- Central Business CB
- Light Commercial LC
- Heavy Commercial HC
Used for Manufacturing and processing type properties
For official documentation see the
More Information section below.
- Light Industrial I-1
- Heavy Industrial I-2
The following zones do not fit into any of the other classifications above.
For official documentation see the
More Information section below.
Neighborhood Service NS
Color: White
Agricultural District A
Color: Light Green
Agriculture property. -
Planned Development
Color: Pink
Detailed Zoning information can be found in the
Zoning Document
on the website.
You can also
contact Capital Projects and Engineering
directly for specifics about Zoning laws and ordinances for Amarillo.